Sunday, April 13, 2008


The Week Ahead

There's a long list of things to get through this week. I'm pretty excited about a few of them. This new healthy diet I'm on (low carbs, no read that right-NO ALCOHOL, and "limited caffeine) has been a challenge at times. I am a carb addict. From my childhood I've had this affliction. Give me a loaf of French bread and some butter, and I'm in heaven. Lately, I've been eating salads. And lots of omelets. And drinking nothing but water and an occasional Timmy's (double cream in place of my double-double). Drinking cold water on a hot day after some form of physical exertion is great. Drinking cold water watching CSI sucks.

I can't wait for next Monday night. That'll be the end of the 14 days of basically no carbs/alcohol. I think I'll get a good bottle of wine to share with Helen, and a second one just for me! The thing that keeps me going is that it's working. I'm losing weight, and am kicking the soda habit (hopefully for good).

Tomorrow, we have one of the 2 garage renovation company's coming for a look and to build a plan and estimate. I'm excited about this, because it's the one domain of our home where I think I get to call almost all of the shots! We also have our decorator coming to discuss the downstairs renovation. That's mostly Helen's gig, while I get to move my office to another room downstairs which is bigger, and I get carte blanche on that. Helen can always close the door if it's not fit for guests to see ;)

Helen has tennis tomorrow morning, so I am going to the driving range to hit a few buckets. There's a good chance I'll be playing Pebble Beach in the near future with a good friend in California. So I better get tuned up pronto. Our home course opens this week too, and I can't wait to play my first round of the season (if you don't count my round at Pebble in January - oh, man, am I living a charmed life!)

Helen and I have divided the homework/tutoring for our daughter in a neat way. It's working out really well so far. Helen handles Math (which is appropriate given her B.Math), and I get to handle Science (per my B.Sc). Tonight, my daughter and I covered sound waves. We reviewed the basics of wave motion, and she now has a pretty good grasp on how to tell from a wave form whether it is a loud/soft or high/low. She even learned about Hertz and frequency. We'll start reviewing the Schrödinger Equation next week, and she'll be ready for Quantum Mechanics in Grade 5. Or maybe we'll just take it easy ;)

One of our vehicles is in the shop tonight. We discovered the hard way that while you can't put diesel gas into a non-diesel gas vehicle due to the size of the pump nozzle, the reverse is NOT the case. Beware, yellow does NOT always mean diesel, especially if your regular gas station was recently converted from GTO to Sunoco.

Live and learn!

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